
Usability: jalousie

I have difficulties...Every time to understand which string should be pulled in order to open or close jalousie I have to examine what's going on above and where the limiters are placed. Or to detect the required string by the hit-and-miss method.

The problem of visual indication is easy to solve — I just have to paint the string into gradient color ring. Now jalousie are closing if blue color is closer to you.

The opened question is tactile indication. How the beads shape should be changed so that the fixing mechanism could work and in the same time it would be convenient to pull both bottom-up and up-bottom?
Cool idea — thanks to mikhail_maximov: As a variant — stick a nail into a wall so that the string will catch on it and you'll be happy: left up — to open, right up — to close, if you'll pull the string the other way the action will be inversed ;-)

But we still need the visual indication, it can be implemented just by grey gradient — if you wish to close jalousie, you should pull down the darker part of string.


Web: shamanism

Good heavens!
To make a fixed block be still when you scroll a page in Microsoft Explorer, you have to fix a page background(!)
background: url('/n.gif') no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;


PowerShell - The first one object(!) shell

...Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 where everything is done via command line interfaces and the administrative GUI is layered on top of those commands.

Came across it by accident.
get-process | where { $_.WS -gt 1000MB } | stop-process

It's beautiful... now through pipes goes not only just text but full-fledged .NET objects, anytime and everywhere one can easily get access to a required object field. Farewell, sed and awk.

Killer feature - the possibility of creation and trying COM-object just in interpreter.
$a = New-Object -comobject Excel.Application
$a.Visible = $True
$b = $a.Workbooks.Add()
$c = $b.Worksheets.Item(1)
$c.Cells.Item(1,1) = "A value in cell A1."

It makes me glad that methods autocompletion works.

According to one's choise any .net build can be loaded.
$d = [Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("msg")

Аnd one can send e-mail
$Attach     = new-object System.Net.Mail.Attachment("C:\Test.txt")  
$SMTPClient = new-object System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient
$Msg = new-object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage

$Msg.Body="This is body of E-Mail"



There is a simple auto-completion of paths. There is even Far plug-in

In short, it's a practical thing for those on Windows.

I'm curious, if there were some tries of objects extension of shells under *nix?