
Under pressure.

Recently I very often come across posts shouting about the degradation of the programmer profession.

Let me join to these lamentations of Jaroslav's daughter.

Here is a part of a file with payment documents:
<payment id="14525" date="2007-10-24 00:00:00"
agent="4" rkc="1" operator="1"
total="8251" operduty="7407.32"
agentduty="539.171" sysduty="304.509"

Can you see the error?

Here is more evident sample:

<payment id="14795" date="2007-10-24 00:00:00"
agent="145" rkc="1" operator="1"
total="358010" operduty="325789.10000001"
agentduty="28640.799999998" sysduty="3580.0999999998"

Here even the total sum does not match the sum of the parts.
But we always glad to divide millionth of kopeks Ж)




Why in usual mail clients the avatar support is missing?

IMHO it is quite natural to paste ones small photo in the end of the letter, together with the signature, next to the standard - Sincerely yours, forever yours, kiss your heels SO-AND-SO.

Point is that in a steady increase in the number of employees and the growing number of additional offices, you can regularly exchange letters with a person for a long time, but do not recognize him(her) on meeteng.

It's not evident but usual Lotus Notes support the possibility of the automatically photo attachement.

Share the know-how:

lotus_html me_on_lotus It turned out that if to set html file containing a link to a local picture as a signature then this picture will be sent in e-mail as a usual attachment and will be correctly displayed in the end of the letter, near the signature.

The about contents of the html file:

<td width="60px">
<img src="D:\Welcome\me.jpg"/>

P.S. Yes, yes... I litter server backups with redundant pictures... but humanity is first of all :). It would be no need of redundant pictures if such an implementation would exist at Lotus level.


Find your mind

I've met it here
Задача: Let it be A(x, y) = K(x2 + y2). Express A(r, φ).
Phisicist answer: A(r, φ) = Kr2.
Mathematician answer: A(r, φ) = K(r2 + φ2).

By the way, may be the problems described in the article Problem Solving and the Use of Math in Physics Courses are not the problems at all?

Very often complicated stuff come home to me in the three stages. The skill of using does not come simultaneously with the understanding of what the matter is.

Another issue is that for many University exams passing was enough to pass the first stage.


Why are Shortcuts Files?

It's a regular joke: guys either e-mail a shortcut to a local file or get angry that at 4 Gb USB devise taken to 3 hour journey for a purpose only a tiny shortcut is placed.

It turned out it was initially planned so:
It had to be possible to copy a shortcut to a floppy disk or send it to a colleague as an e-mail attachment...


The naked object

Consider a forest with birds singing in the trees and flowers covering its floor. We caneasily walk
along its paths or you can be adventurous an make your own paths. We can
select any aspect of its complex
ecosystem and study it for your doctoral thesis. There is
unlimited complexity, yet any human can
master it to suit his or her purposes. There is no
reason why a computer system should be more
complex than a forest. I believe that the
current complexity is man-made, and that we can
resolve it by changing our approach to
software development. We merely need to get our priorities right and create
the appropriate
tools. If we decide to build systems for people, then we will get systems tha can be mastered by people.
Trygve Reenskaug In the foreword to Naked objects R. Pawson Phd Thesis

An approach offered by creators of Naked objects framework looks very interesting, at least for the quick prototyping. Refuse, auto generation of UI, return to the OO basis - full-fledged objects with considerable behavior.

A big advantage is that the interaction with user happens by the most usual noun-verb script. IMHO, only Raskin zoom interface is required to be absolutelly happy. And for the convenient navigation on great number of open objects something like Leap is needed.

In web implementation from the outside it's very similar to like Django admin interface interface, in full-fledged GUI clients interface is much more interesting.

Update 18.10.2007: Naked objects discussing at ltu
Update 29.10.2007: Martin Fowler's article with the critique of objects without behavior and a critical response to it in some blog.


Push or pull

An interesting solution of the problem of the eternal doors push or pull confusion has appeared in comments to a blog "In search of usability".

Indeed, if physically alter a door so that it would seems not fully closed when in fact it is closed, then no mistake can occur in principle.

I believe

With simple, consistent code, change analysis is a breeze. A simple trace through the layers of code with a text-search tool will generally reveal exactly what needs to be changed, and where. A solid test plan will identify what changes broke the system and how, and allow developers to respond appropriately.

No, it’s not fun and not challenging. It’s just good software
